Split systems, consisting of an indoor and outdoor unit, are most often installed in modern homes. This type of air conditioning equipment will mostly be discussed below.

Basic rules for placing an air conditioner in an apartment

It is much easier to take into account all the installation rules when the installation of a split system is carried out at the stage of the apartment renovation. During the rough work, grooves are made in the walls, drainage and electrics, all utility lines are laid, and at the finishing stage, the installation of the outdoor and indoor unit of the air conditioner is carried out. Ideally, a design project is preliminarily developed, the future arrangement of furniture, functional areas is taken into account, and air conditioning equipment is selected so that it fits correctly into the interior, helps to place design accents, etc.

Different rooms in the house may have their own purpose, but before taking into account the relevant subtleties and nuances, you need to study the main rules for choosing the installation location of the indoor unit of the split system:

1. It is worth consulting not only with interior designers, but also with professional installers of air conditioning equipment.

When installing an air conditioner, it is necessary to achieve a balance between “beautiful and looks better this way” and “efficient, reliable”. If suddenly the designer strongly disagrees with the installation specialists, then you need to look for a compromise that suits both parties. Most often, representatives of these two professions know the general rules and recommendations, so they easily come to a consensus.

2. Air flows should not be directed at people, including a workplace, a sofa, etc.

Directed air flows cause discomfort, and in summer, intense cold airflow can provoke colds (especially if the air filters are not properly maintained). Accordingly, the air conditioner can be placed on top the desktop or higher on top the sofa, and not opposite them, so that a person feels only diffuse cooling.

Almost the main rule of installation is that the air conditioner should not blow directly on people.

3. The distance between the indoor unit of the split system and the ceiling should be at least 10 – 15 cm.

Such a gap is needed for efficient air intake and correct operation of air conditioning equipment. For the same reason, it is not recommended to put anything on top of the air conditioner and, when embedding in niches, take into account this installation requirement.

4. The recommended distance from the air conditioner to furniture or other obstacles is from 1 to 1.5 meters. Plus, do not place appliances directly on top the wardrobe.

Any obstruction can disrupt the normal circulation of air, blocking its distribution around the room, and harm the efficient operation of the equipment. For example, air flows that have bounced off furniture will return to the air conditioner, and its sensors will record distorted temperature readings that do not correspond to the actual conditions in the room. And from a wardrobe or other horizontal surface, dust will constantly be blown away.

5. It is not recommended to install the air conditioner near heat sources.

Heaters, ovens, hobs can cause damage to the split system and/or also distort the temperature readings recorded by the sensors. If the air conditioner is located by the window on the sunny side, then the airflow should be perpendicular (that is, along the window opening). This is how cold air flows can effectively override warm air, increasing overall cooling efficiency and reducing unwanted room heating.

6. Do not install the air conditioner in front of the room door.

Firstly, efficiency decreases – when the door is open, the cooled air will leave the room, the total time to reach the desired temperature in the room will increase. Secondly, it is not entirely comfortable for incoming people, because air flows are directed at them. And the air conditioner will immediately catch your eye, which is clearly not the best interior solution, also, for example, a partially closed door can slam shut, scare children, and prevent the free movement of pets.

7. When choosing a place for placement, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for utility lines, namely the length of the refrigerant main route, the possibilities for condensate removal, and the connection to electricity.

Too much distance between the outdoor and indoor unit reduces the overall efficiency of cooling and heating operation, and increases the labor intensity and cost of installation. And vice versa, if there are recommendations on the minimum length of the refrigerant main route (freon pipeline), then they must also be followed, otherwise for performant air conditioners, the risk of vibration transmission from the outdoor unit and breakages (compressor water hammer, evaporator freezing) increases. Similarly, when installing, the rules for connecting to the electrical mains and ensuring drainage must be taken into account. The latter can be gravity (most often) or forced (using a pump to drain condensate).

It is not recommended to remove household air conditioner units from each other by more than 10-15 meters.

8. It is better to position the air conditioner so that it has access for service and filter cleaning.

Why is it important? If this factor is missed at the installation stage, then service procedures will become more complicated and/or cannot be performed without the participation of specialists. At the same time, lack of proper maintenance reduces the overall working life and can cause premature failure of the device.

It is also worth noting that the air conditioner must be placed on solid and very even walls. If this is a drywall ceiling or a thin gap above the door then, it is first recommended to make sure the frame is strong, if necessary, use special reinforcement and suitable fasteners. And, of course, air conditioning equipment should not interfere with the opening of doors, windows, cabinets, etc.

Where to install the air conditioner if the renovation has already been completed?

In apartments with a completed renovation, usually, compromises cannot be avoided, although most of the rules can still be followed. If there are no plans to re-paste the wallpaper, then utility lines will definitely have to be hidden outside in special boxes (cable ducts). One way or another, they will be very noticeable, so the two main recommendations for choosing a place for an air conditioner in a room with a finished repair come down to:

  • installation near a window;
  • reaching the minimum distance between the indoor and outdoor unit.

In this case, the cable duct may be less than a meter long, it will be partially covered by the indoor unit of the air conditioner, and curtains will fit into the role of additional masking.

A small cable duct is almost invisible and does not spoil the finished renovation.

Additional recommendations when choosing a place for an air conditioner in a room with a completed renovation:

  • do not neglect the possibility of rearranging furniture, for example, moving a sofa, armchair, bed, desktop, small bedside tables often helps to take into account all the installation rules;
  • consider the location of the sockets and hang the indoor unit near them, as it is not recommended to use extension cords ;
  • do not forget about hidden wiring and other utility lines that can be damaged when installing the air conditioner;
  • look for niches that will reduce the visibility of both the indoor unit itself and the utility lines box. You can also consider the possibility of additional disguise, for example, integration into an open rack in compliance with the requirement for a gap of 15 centimeters on top the device.

What about portable air conditioners?

In an apartment where renovation have only recently been completed, and, for example, placing a split system next to a window will not work, you can use a portable air conditioner. This is a portable unit, which is often equipped with wheels for transportation, and is complemented by a flexible hose to remove warm air from the room (for example, through a window).

Such a unit is inferior in terms of cooling efficiency and sound comfort to modern split systems. In addition, in some cases, the task of dissipating heat can also become a problem: if you simply open the window for hose, productivity will decrease even more. But in any case, a portable air conditioner has some advantages, namely:

  • does not involve additional installation costs;
  • may include a special night mode that reduces the noise level (relevant for bedrooms);
  • able to alternately cool the air in several rooms, acting as an affordable alternative to multi split systems ;
  • can be hidden as unnecessary or by the arrival of guests, that is, it has a minimal impact on the interior.
A portable air conditioner does not require installation and can be placed almost anywhere.

In what cases should you consider purchasing a portable air conditioner:

  • for small apartments, dorm rooms, small offices, when high cooling efficiency of split systems is not required;
  • for rental housing, if the owners do not agree to the installation;
  • for users who often change their place of residence (you can take it with you).

When the basic rules for choosing a location are clear, you need to figure out how many air conditioning devices and in which rooms to place.

Where to hang the air conditioner in a one-room apartment?

The main recommendations for cooling the one-room apartment are as follows:

  • the best option for a traditional layout with a small kitchen is to install an air conditioner in a room;
  • you can also consider the option of placing it in the hallway, but then the flow rate of the split system must be taken with a margin – not for one room, but for the entire apartment;
Air conditioner in the hallway is a good enough choice for a small apartment.
  • for a one-room apartment with a kitchen-studio, to choose a place for air conditioning, you should start from where you spend more time. So, if you are not working at home, it is better to ensure a comfortable night's rest, that is, high-quality cooling in the bedroom. If you work at home and/or often spend time with friends, then install air conditioning in the studio. And when the budget allows, it is reasonable to buy two split systems.

Where to hang the air conditioner in a two-room apartment?

If the task is to choose the best place for one air conditioner in the two-room apartment, then we recommend that you consider the following tips:

  • a balanced choice – the largest room, while it is worth buying a split system with a power margin so that the rest of the living space also receives indirect cooling;
  • compromise option – location in the hallway. In this case, an even more productive device will be needed, the length of the refrigerant main route will significantly increase, and hence the installation costs. This option is not suitable for layouts with walk-through rooms;
  • an alternative option is the room where the most time is spent, such as a bedroom or office. A split system can be cheaper if the room for sleeping or working is noticeably smaller than the living room, but in rooms that are not air-conditioned, there will definitely not be a comfortable temperature.

The best option for a two-room apartment is the purchase of air conditioning equipment in each room (the kitchen is most often left without additional cooling). It can be 2 air conditioners or a multi split system (2 indoor units + one outdoor). The difference in cost between them is often not very large. Multi split system is preferable for apartments in buildings that belong to the cultural heritage and other housing, where increased requirements are imposed on the appearance of the facade (need approvals, etc.). There are also opinions that thieves have increased attention to objects that have numerous external units.

The scheme of the multi split system looks like this.

Where to hang an air conditioner in an apartment with 3 or more rooms?

Basic recommendations for one-room and two-room apartments are also valid for large apartments with many rooms. Is it not entirely logical to install only one air conditioner here. It is necessary to provide effective cooling in at least two rooms – the largest (hall) + the most demanded (bedroom, office). Ideally, each room should have its own air conditioning device. An exception may be a kitchen (not combined with a living room), a children's room or some rarely used rooms (guest room). Accordingly, two, three or more air conditioners or a multi split system with the required number of indoor units are needed.

The final step in determining the optimal location of air conditioning equipment in an apartment is choosing the best place in a particular room, whether it be a bedroom, living room, nursery, etc.

Where to place the air conditioner in the bedroom:

Correct and incorrect layout of the air conditioner in the bedroom.
  • on the side of the bed at its head: that is, the indoor unit is located on top the bedside table, and the airflow goes along the bed;
  • perpendicular to the bed with the location of the air conditioner in the footboard area;
  • near the window or on top the door: air flows are removed from the sleeping area;
  • right on top the bed – at the head (it is recommended that the air conditioner has a night mode).

Definitely the worst option is to place it opposite the bed.

Where to hang the air conditioner in the living room:

  • over cushioned furniture (sofa, armchair);
  • over the table;
  • closer to the window on the sunny side, blocking the flow of warm air;
  • almost anywhere else, as long as most of the basic rules are met;

The location opposite the sofa, table and other functional areas in which people are often located is not suitable.

A classic for the living room – air conditioner by the window.

Where to install air conditioner in the nursery:

  • near the window, next to the bed, so that the airflow goes along the bed;
  • over the desk, if this does not contradict the first recommendation;
  • elsewhere, such as on top a doorway, if most of the basic guidelines are met.

The air conditioner in the children's room is often abandoned, because there are usually many functional areas (sleep, study, entertainment), and a fairly active child still gets under direct airflow. But if you choose the right place, and for example, turn on the air conditioner only at night, then there will be no problems with the effectiveness of the application and the risks to the health of the child.

Where to place the air conditioner in the kitchen:

  • next to the window and ideally so that the airflow goes along the kitchen unit;
  • on top of the dining table, but in such a way so that the air does not go straight on anyone who sits;
  • away from the oven, refrigerator and other heat sources;
  • not opposite the gas stove, because air flows can “extinguish” the burners.
It is better that the air conditioner in the kitchen does not interfere with cooking or eating.

Air conditioners are rarely installed in kitchens, as they are often small and densely furnished, that is, it is difficult to implement even half of the recommendations for the correct location. But if the footage allows, and besides, residents often cook here, get together with family or guests, then in summer this particular room is the hottest in the literal sense, and cooling is highly recommended.

Where to hang the air conditioner in the office:

  • on the side, in front of or behind the table, so that the air flows are not directed towards the user and the workplace;
  • over the table;
  • next to a window or on top of a door, but also so that the airflow does not go directly to the workplace and the user.

And what about the installation of a split system outdoor unit?

If desired or necessary, the indoor unit of the air conditioner can be placed with a deviation from any of the recommendations and rules given in the article. With an outdoor unit, the situation is somewhat different.

Firstly, there are buildings that are classified as objects of cultural heritage, and an unauthorized change in their facade is fraught with fines and court decisions demanding dismantling. Secondly, more and more developers, management companies and condominiums (Associations of co-owners of apartment buildings) also take this issue under their strict control and do not allow installing outdoor air conditioner units without approval.

Developers offer special niches for air conditioners on the facade more often.

So, even before installing air conditioning equipment, you should make sure whether additional approvals are needed or not, where it is allowed to place external units of split systems (in specially allocated niches on the facade, on loggias or on balconies, etc.), and where not. In addition, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • if possible, it is necessary to place the outdoor unit away from the crowns of trees – autumn foliage can get into the fan and disrupt the operation;
  • it is not worth removing the air conditioner far from windows and balconies, otherwise maintenance and repair of the device will be difficult;
  • ideally, it is worth placing the outdoor unit at a distance of 3 meters from the antennas in order to avoid malfunctions due to electromagnetic radiation;
  • for additional protection from precipitation, snow and icicles, it is advisable to take care of a special visor over the outdoor unit;
  • when installing an air conditioner on the first (and even second) floor, it is worth protecting the device from theft with the help of special grilles.

Install the air conditioner correctly so that it effectively fulfills its role, increases your comfort, and does not cause inconvenience and problems. We remind you that you can choose both a split system and other necessary air conditioning equipment in our catalog.